Friday, March 8, 2013

The Tooth Fairy Cometh

Yesterday was a very exciting day in our house. My little man finally lost his first tooth. And about two hours later (thanks in large part to a BBQ chicken wing) he lost the second one.

We had been playing the waiting game for a while. His two front teeth kept getting wigglier and wigglier... but were still holding on. We even tried a few times to pull them, but no luck. His new teeth had even started coming in. But still the baby teeth clung on.

But when they're ready, they're ready. And yesterday was finally the day.

By this point he was a little too excited to stand still (hence the blurry picture.) But his excitement was understandable. Not only is losing your first tooth (or teeth) a big deal in itself... it also means the first visit from the Tooth Fairy. And since he had lost the first two on the same day, he just knew that she was going to bring him something extra-special.

And he was right. This is what he woke up to this morning.

And of course the Tooth Fairy had to bring him enough to share, after what I overheard last night. He told his sister that, since he had lost two teeth he figured the Tooth Fairy would probably bring him two things, so he was sure he would have enough to share with her. Something that sweet just has to be rewarded. :)

A bit much? Perhaps. But that's just how we roll around here. Milestones are meant to be celebrated. And let's be honest, getting to create these little moments is absolutely one of the best parts of parenthood.

How about you? Have a favorite Tooth Fairy memory? I'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

  1. You and the tooth fairy seem to have very similar handwriting and gift-giving style. ;)
