Sunday, June 9, 2013

Genetic Optimism

Ok, I don't know if it's actually genetic, or if it's learned behavior. But every now and then, my kids do something to remind me that I've done something right in my life.

Like earlier this week, when the BBC made the announcement that Matt Smith would be leaving Doctor Who at the end of the year. I know, that may not seem like a big deal to some of you. But in this house full of die-hard Whovians, any Doctor Who related news is big news.

Personally, I wasn't too broken up over the news. Partly because we all knew it was going to happen eventually (that's how the show works) and partly because I already dealt with the loss of my favorite Doctor, so now I feel like I can handle anything.


My daughter, on the other hand... I was a little concerned about how she was going to take the news. Matt Smith, as she has told me several times, is her favorite Doctor.

So I broke it to her over breakfast the next morning, fully expecting to see disappointment. But what I got instead was excited optimism. (Which I made her do again so I could get a picture, because it was so darn cute.)

I told her that I was a little surprised that she was taking it so well. And her brother backed me up. "Yeah. We thought you'd be disappointed, since he's your favorite Doctor." She didn't even hesitate before she explained, quite simply, "Well, the new one might be my new favorite."

Such a mature response from someone so young. And a very proud moment for me. I mean, we all know that I'm an eternal optimist (that's how this blog got its name, after all.) So to see my kids following in my glass-half-full footsteps thrills me to no end.


  1. Your kids are amazing and adorable in every way!

    1. Yeah, you say that because I only share the *good* stories. ;) But yes, they are pretty awesome. And the good FAR outweighs the not-as-good.

  2. Love it!
    I would've enjoyed a little more time to find out if Matt Smith would become my new favorite before jumping to another new Doctor. :)

    1. Yeah. I understand him being ready to move on, though. I'm not broken up over it, but I will miss his energy. The show will go on, and we'll all fall in love with whoever takes his place, just about in time for the next regeneration. :)

  3. Love your daughter's face and her outlook. I also relate as my kids (grown kids) have not liked the current Doctor.
