Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heart Melting Moments

Being a parent is never easy. But every now and then you have one of those moments that make it all worthwhile.

I was having a really difficult day yesterday. The pain was almost unbearable, and the headache was just as bad. I was doing my best to get on with my day and not let it stop me, but apparently it was fairly obvious what a hard time I was having.

At one point my son came over to me and said "Mommy, I have a great idea! I'll give you all of the money in my piggy bank, and you can use it to take a vacation. You can go where you can just relax and not have to do any work, so that you can feel better."

All I could do was thank him, and tell him how much I appreciated the thought. He didn't understand why I had started to cry.

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